After moving on to the next course in my studies, I was advised to wait until the online course had updated the video lesson. Reading this brought me to a stand still and standing still is not something I want to do. If I do keep moving, learning and consistently knowing what my next move is. I fear that my motivation might decrease and I will reach a stall in my process. This will simply not suffice.
So, I returned to my roots. I went back to the book I read that started this entire process. The author; Natasha Murashev, recommended I start by taking the free online Stanford course. For some odd reason, I deviated from her thoughtful advice and began my journey on another path. Maybe I was mistaken and maybe I wasn't. I believe my thought process was correct because I was at least learning and moving towards a goal.
Moving forward, I began to search for the recommended course. Through my search, I was finding it very difficult to locate the Free Online Stanford Course CS106A. I kept locating the actual Stanford CS106A course which cost an arm and a leg. I feared the course was no longer free and I had missed my window to learn from Mehran Sahami about Programming Methodology. After while, I actually found what I was looking for but it came with a revelation.
We all know the world is changing. Yes, technology has improved drastically but I fear we have all over-looked the meaning of the internet and it purpose. The reason why the internet was created, to me, was to allow information to be shared between individuals with ease. Like I was taught as a teenager, a person is smart but a group of people has the potential to be the smartest entity on the planet. Yet, in out capitalistic ways, we rationalize the necessity to monetize supply and demand. Hence, if you want this knowledge, your going to have to pay for it. So, we go to college, build up massive amounts of debt in hopes that the field we are about to go into isn't over-saturated.
Ultimately, I had a revelation. I was handed this knowledge freely and, I feel, I have an obligation to maintain this structure. I found a website (completely free) that allows you to break down a thought process or, as we were taught in grammar class, a paragraph outline. Also, you can share this page through a link url link and I can update the page, constantly, without changing the link.
Tonight, this was my mission: Begin compiling free programming course links.
Free Programming Courses
I'll be adding lessons and courses as I find them. I will say, the site is an extremely useful site and I highly recommend it.
In conclusion; I have a final thought. Well, maybe more of a question. One person's mind can never be as intelligent and a group of people whom are all thinking together. That group of people sharing knowledge and coming to conclusions as one entity. So, by monetizing information, have we slowed the possible intelligence of society? Weeded out the individuals unwilling to make the financial commitment to knowledge?
Judging by the average income of public teachers versus private collegiate professors... I some how have to believe GREED has won this intellectual battle.
Just a thought
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