Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Rethinking the Process

I'm about to start Lesson 2 of course 2.

These lessons are getting more and more difficult to follow because I'm not seeing any practical applications for what I'm learning.  With the lack of practical applications, I'm finding that my motivation and thirst for learning, is beginning to lack.  So, while the fear of being demotivated looms above my head, I have forced myself into a fork in the road.

If I take the road to the north, I will stay my course, finish the current course and move on.  I fear doing this due to the fact my mind and heart wont be fully involved.  Thus, I wont be absorbing knowledge to the fullest.

If I take the road to the south, I leave this course and move on to the Stanford course my mentor originally recommended.  This way, I'm still continuing to learn and keeping myself motivated.

I have somewhat of a biased opinion on this, if you haven't already figured it out from above, I've already made up my mind.  I'm going to move on to another learning medium.  However, I will be returning to this course to finish.

Also, I'll be starting a new blog for the new courses.

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