Friday, December 7, 2012

Pointers, Pointers, Pointers and More Pointers!!!

So far, this has been the longest lesson and I was beginning to lose faith.  The instructor, kept going on and on about pointers.  Explaining the same concept over and over again.  I understood the concept but I had no idea what pointers were used for or even the point of said pointers.  I'm still not sure I completely understand, but one thing the instructor did say stuck.  "The difference between accomplished programmers and mediocre programmers is the understanding of the fundamentals and uses of pointers.  So, I need to learn to use pointers like it's common sense.

Here were the lessons for Unit 9 this evening
9.1 - Using Pointers for directly manipulation data in memory
9.2 - About changing the memory address stored in a pointer 
9.3 - About pointer concerning multi-byte variables
9.4 - Pointers have memory addresses 
9.5 - Why do I need to learn pointers????
9.6 - Intro: the Char* Pointer

I honestly can't wait until I'm actually able to use this knowledge.  

I will say, I did find it interesting to learn the hierarchy of Data
1. Single element of a given data type (char, int, etc)
2. Text string (a type of simple array)
3. Single dimensional array 
4. Multi-dimensional array
5. Structures
6. And So On

Much, much more to look forward to

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